Health & Wellness


At AISN we believe that social, emotional and physical wellbeing is as paramount as academic achievement. The School Nurse contributes to these goals by providing:


preventive and curative services to the school community,


health promotion activities


a liaison between parents, teachers, administration and outside health care providers


Referrals for outside medical care

Please always make sure the followings are current and complete:


Your child’s medical file in our school.


Any medical conditions, allergies, significant past medical history, or takes medications on a regular basis it is important that I have this information available in our confidential school records.


Your child’s immunization records.

If your child is taking medication that needs to be administered during school hours, whether it be ongoing or only a brief course, please complete the Medication Release Form and bring it to my office along with the medication so it can be dispensed safely as per school policy.

Thanks for visiting the School Nurse webpage.  We look forward to working with you as we continue to ensure a happy, healthy environment for our students and the entire AISN community.