Parent Involvement
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is the platform where parents and teachers at AISN can meet, discuss and contribute towards a wholesome and inclusive school community and learning environment.
All parents and teachers are automatically members of the PTA and they elect a steering committee for each school year that is responsible for the management of the PTA and organizing AISN events with PTA involvement.
We invite you to play an active role supporting the school community and improve your children’s learning environment, by engaging in the PTA. You can do this by participating and/or volunteering to help organize different events organized by the PTA, and you can join the PTA steering committee.
Three times each school year the PTA invites all members to a General meeting where you as parents/teachers can discuss your views and influence the direction of both the school and the PTA.
It is a forum for sharing your experiences and suggestions for how to create a vibrant school community and improve the learning environment.
Through your participation you will get to know other members of the AISN community and influence the wellbeing and the learning environment of our children.
The PTA needs your involvement.
PTA Goals
To promote the welfare of children and youth at home and in the community.
To foster a closer relationship between home and school and promote the cooperation of parents and teachers for the benefit of the students.
To serve as a parent teacher forum to discuss questions pertinent to the interest of all members.
To facilitate the provision of parental support for ongoing classroom and school activities.
To develop united efforts between educators and the community that will secure students the best physical, mental, social, and spiritual education for all students.
*There is a fee associated with being a member of the PTA. The cost is 10,000CFA per family. The fee goes towards events and activities!
Click Here for Membership Form!
If you have any questions or would like more information about AISN PTA please email: