Mission and Learning Principles

AISN Mission and Learning Principles
AISN Mission Statement

AISN Learning Principles

Definition of Learning

Learning is the process learners engage in to gain understanding, to reflect on information and experiences, and to construct new or modify existing understandings, skills, and qualities.

These Learning Principles serve as the foundation for our system of educational beliefs and pedagogy at AISN. They guide our educational practice across all areas of the program. Learning is enhanced by the practices that are derived from these principles. While each principle is identified separately, they are interconnected and impact each other

AISN Key Learning Principles

We know that learning is effective when…


Learners receive timely feedback

Therefore… ongoing assessments provide learners with regular, timely, supportive, and practical feedback, along with the opportunity to use teacher feedback to practice, retry, rethink and revise.


Learners are engaged in an active process of explicit teaching and guided practice

Therefore… we will create intentional outcomes-focused daily lessons designed to engage all students, and employ guided practice and opportunities for reflection.


Learners are challenged appropriately

Therefore…we accommodate, through planning and lesson design, multiple learning styles and different ability levels within any one class. Lessons and assignments apply multifaceted and scaffolded activities to support new levels of understanding for each student.


Learners understand the learning objectives and can see a way to meet expectations

Therefore…we explain, discuss, make known, display, and publish the course outlines, grading expectations, and lesson objectives prior to teaching. We continually revisit these with our students throughout any unit of study.


Learners are known and recognized for their potential

Therefore…we take the time everyday to not only find out what our students know, but their interests, thoughts, and feelings.


Learners feel secure, believed in, cared about, and valued

Therefore…each student is recognized and respected for their unique qualities, treated equally, made to feel welcome and safe within the learning environment, and is valued as a member of the class.


Learners construct new understanding to build on prior knowledge

Therefore…we assess prior knowledge as a way to differentiate instruction based on the needs of all our students and create opportunities in class for students to build their own understanding.


Learners listen, talk and interact with others

Therefore…lessons are designed to, when appropriate, engage the group. Students are encouraged to interact with each other in guided conversations and practice based on the content they are studying.